KWG Game App | Login & Play Colour Prediction Game In APK

Hello my dear gaming friends, today we talked about the KWG Game app. The KWG Game app is a colour prediction gaming app. You have to place your bet by choosing the right colour. You can place your bets according to your wallet balance, there is no limit to it.

By copying and sharing this apk link, you will be given a first login bonus of Rs 101 through this app. You are going to get bumper prizes rewards on checking in the daily this app. In today’s article, we are going to tell you about logging in and registering in this app.

KWG Game
Invitation Code8429v49391

How To Register In The KWG Game App:

1: First of all, to register in this apk, open this apk on your Android device.  

2: Then go to the register section.  

3: First of all enter your registered mobile number.  

4: After this enter your this apk password.  

5: Confirm your password.  

6: Write the invite code which we have already provided to you.  

7: Click on I have read and agree.  

8: Last click on the register button.  

You have successfully registered on this Apk:

How To log in to The KWG Game App:

Step 1: Open the KWG Game app on your smart device and go to the login section.  

Step 2: First of all enter your mobile number.

Step 3: Now enter your registration password.

Step 4: Now click on I remember password.

Step 5: Last Click on the logged-in button.

You have successfully logged in to the KWG Game apk.

Read previous posts –


In today’s article on this apk, we have told you about registering and logging in to this apk.

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